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E Division

Thursday March 15

(6)Scorpions vs Raging Rhinos(8)

S.Pilon hat trick paces Rhinos over Scorpions

The Raging Rhinos got off to a slow start in the first, as they were outshot, out played and outscored 2-1.But after regrouping in between frames, the tides turned in their favour. S.Pilon was largely the reason why his club took over. The forward scored three in a row putting the Raging Rhinos up 5-2 in the third period. Then, S.Labrecque took the torch adding three more points that included two goals to put an exclamation point to the match. The Scorpions had good stretches but not long enough as they slowly fell behind the eight ball. M.Gil did more than his part in the loss striking once in every frame.

(3)Carnage vs SBS Trashers(2)

G.Cortese helps Carnage rally to 3-2 win

Patience paid off for Carnage on Thursday night. G.Cortese scored the winner after netting his clubs first goal along with setting up the equaliser courtesy of J.Bourlakos .Carnage didn't help themselves spending unnecessary time in the penalty box. If not for B.Madonis protecting his cage, the SBS Trashers would have run away with this rather easily. Instead, they couldn't capitalise, and eventually fell behind as of the four minute mark of the third period. Despite having more than enough time, the third period magic just wasn't there on this night.

(3)JLR Brossard vs Raging Rhinos(7)

Raging Rhinos don't miss a beat in double header night

There was definitely no lack of legs or energy on the side of the Raging Rhinos. They just came off a hard fought win an hour ago and showed no signs of slowing down in their battle with the JLR Brossard. Rather than getting them early on being fresh, the Raging Rhinos actually got better as the game went on. Five out of their seven goals came in the second half of the game. After finishing strong earlier on with three straight points, S.Labrecque still had more premium fuel in the tank by striking three consecutive times for his hat trick. This was also a first of two games for the JLR Brossard, who would need to wait an hour in hopes of bouncing back with a better outcome.

(3)Legends vs Bramabulls(8)

Four second period goals help Bramabulls sail past Legends

A second period outburst gave the Bramabulls a solid lead for good. Both sides traded two first period goals before the pace of the Bramabulls was too much to handle for the Legends. By using their speed and making quick passes, the Bramabulls benefitted with scoring efforts-from seven different players. M.Testolina was the only one to score twice while collecting a pair of helpers. The Legends knew they had a difficult task ahead of them without a whole line missing. Unless they played a perfect game, there was no chance that they would get the better of a superior club.

(10)JLR Brossard Mighty Drunks(3)

JLR Brossard finish on a high note

Clearly, this was a way better performance put forth by the JLR Brossard. However, the urgency only kicked in mid way through the match. After getting a pair of quick goals by B.Barile and N.Goncalves, the JLR Brossard never looked back en route to an easy win. Almost half of their offense came by the third period alone. Y.Gazura, M.Gagnon and N.Goncalves each scored twice while J.Pantelis was behind setting up four goals as part of a five point night. The Mighty Drunks struggled to score overall needing to rely on three power play chances in order to tally twice with the man advantage.

The SalumiVino player of the night goes to Sebastien Labrecque of the Raging Rhinos. In a double header night, the Raging Rhinos forward was all over the court accumulating a total of six points that included five goals.